3 Best Terrace Garden Ideas for Beginners in India

Increasing Interest in Terrace Gardening in India

Urban terrace gardening is a growing trend in India, with many people looking for ways to access fresh produce, improve their health, and contribute to environmental sustainability. The rise of urban terrace gardening in India is primarily driven by the increasing demand for fresh, organic fruits and vegetables. Rapid urbanisation, pollution, and climate change have raised concerns about the quality and safety of the food people consume. Urban terrace gardening allows individuals to grow their own food in a controlled and natural environment without relying on external sources or using harmful chemicals. It also provides a sense of satisfaction and joy to the growers.

Importance and Benefits of Terrace Gardening

Terrace gardening has several benefits, including:

  1. Health and Fresh Produce: Terrace gardens give you direct access to fresh vegetables and fruits. Nothing tastes better than food cooked with vegetables plucked straight off the plant, or fruits eaten in their freshest form.
  2. Connection with Nature: Terrace gardens bring a piece of nature to the house. It’s a great way to make use of small or limited outdoor space, such as on a balcony or rooftop.
  3. Reducing Pollution: Terrace garden plants increase oxygen production in the air. Having a garden means increasing the flow of oxygen and thus reducing pollution. The plants capture airborne pollutants & filter toxic gases.
  4. Improving Air Quality: Plants can help to purify the air and improve air quality, which can be especially beneficial in urban areas where air pollution is common.
  5. Mental Health Benefits: Gardening has been shown to have a number of mental health benefits, such as reducing stress and improving mood. A terrace garden can provide a peaceful, enjoyable space to relax and de-stress.
  6. Economic Benefits: It allows individuals to grow organic produce such as vegetables, herbs, fruits, and flowers at minimal costs. This not only ensures access to fresh and healthy food but also reduces expenses on grocery bills.
  7. Environmental Impact: Terrace gardens provide a much-needed respite by improving air quality and reducing pollution. They can help reduce pollution levels by filtering harmful pollutants from the surrounding environment.

Terrace gardening is not just a hobby but a sustainable practice that contributes to a healthier lifestyle and a better environment.

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Understanding Terrace Gardening

Definition and Concept of Terrace Gardening

Terrace gardening is a set of activities that involves growing one’s own food on one’s home’s terrace. Everything from cereals to pulses, herbs, vegetables, and fruits can be grown. The phrase “terrace garden” can refer to a garden that is established on a terrace, roof, or patio, typically in a house with limited gardening space. These gardens are especially popular in cities, and they are sometimes used in restaurants and other establishments. A terrace garden is an excellent option for anyone who lives in a cramped flat or house with no backyard.

Why Terrace Gardening is Suitable for Indian Homes

Terrace gardening is a trend that is popular in metropolitan cities in India, due to space constraints. Building a home terrace garden can help the environment, by reducing one’s carbon footprint and improving greenery in megacities. It also supports local green spaces, enables one to recycle organic waste, grow organic items, vegetables, and fruits for self-consumption, and brings back the lost diversity of butterflies, birds, and bees. It also becomes a hands-on environmental learning ground for urban children and adults.

Moreover, the terrace garden design does not merely involve styling and layout of the area. Apart from the terrace garden layout plan, various other aspects also need to be considered. So, here are some home terrace garden ideas that one can consider.

Terrace gardening is not just a hobby but a sustainable practice that contributes to a healthier lifestyle and a better environment.

How to Start Terrace Garden

Assessing Your Terrace for Suitability

Before you start your terrace garden, it’s important to assess the suitability of your terrace. Here are some factors to consider:

  1. Terrace Capacity: The first thing to consider before beginning a terrace garden is whether the roof surface can support the weight of the soil. Soil, especially wet soil, is much heavier than most people realise. A terrace garden should be created on the rooftop of a substantial building or a house built with load-bearing floors, rather than on structures that have shown signs of weakness and structural damage.
  2. Sunlight: Terraces usually receive a lot of sunlight, which is ideal for growing organic vegetables and fruits as well as establishing a flower bed. However, the amount of sunlight your terrace receives can affect what types of plants you can grow. Most vegetables and fruits require at least 6 hours of direct sunlight each day.
  3. Space: Consider the amount of space you have available. This will determine how many plants you can grow and what types of containers you can use.

Basic Tools and Materials Needed

Here are some basic tools and materials you’ll need to start your terrace garden:

  1. Containers and Pots: You’ll need containers or pots to plant your seeds or saplings. These can range from traditional pots to grow bags.
  2. Seeds or Saplings: Choose what plants you want to grow. This could be a mix of fruits, vegetables, herbs, and flowers.
  3. Soil and Compost: Good quality soil and compost are essential for healthy plant growth.
  4. Gardening Tools: Basic gardening tools like a trowel, pruner, weeder, and gardening gloves are necessary for maintaining your garden.
  5. Watering Can or Hose: Regular watering is crucial for plants, so a watering can or hose is a must.
  6. Fertilisers and Pesticides: Depending on the plants you choose to grow, you might need certain fertilisers or pesticides.

Starting a terrace garden is a commitment and requires regular care and maintenance. But with the right tools and preparation, it can be a rewarding experience. Happy gardening! 🌱

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Planning Your Terrace Garden

Designing the Layout

Designing the layout of your terrace garden is a crucial step. Here are some points to consider-

  1. Weight Load: Ensure your terrace can support the weight of the garden you envision, including soil, plants, and water.
  2. Sunlight: The amount of sunlight your terrace receives plays a significant role in the success of your garden. Most vegetables and many flowers require full sun (at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight each day) to flourish.
  3. Watering: Depending on the size of your terrace, you might water your plants by hand or benefit from an installed watering system.
  4. Wind: If your terrace is at a considerable height, you might have to include wind-resistant plants, or find ways to protect your plants from the wind using windbreaks or other structures.
  5. Privacy: Depending on the location, privacy can be a concern when you start working on your terrace garden. You might want to add trellises, pergolas, or taller plants to create a private, secluded space.
  6. Temperature: If you live in a city, your terrace may be subject to higher temperatures due to the urban heat island effect.
  7. Accessibility: If you plan to spend time in your garden, it needs to be easily accessible.

Choosing the Right Containers and Pots

Choosing the right containers and pots for your terrace garden is equally important. Here are some tips-

  1. Material: Containers are available in a variety of materials like clay, stone, concrete, metal, and wood. Each material has its own advantages and disadvantages.
  2. Size: The size of the container should be chosen based on the type of plant you’re planning to grow. Tall pots are best suited for deep-rooted plants, shrubs, or small trees. Small pots are ideal for shallow-rooted plants and flowering bulbs.
  3. Drainage: Ensure your containers have adequate drainage holes to prevent waterlogging.

Selecting Suitable Plants

When selecting plants for your terrace garden, consider the following-

  1. Climate: The climatic conditions of your location play a crucial role in determining which plants will thrive in your terrace garden.
  2. Sunlight: Some plants require full sun, while others may need partial shade. Choose plants that are suitable for the amount of sunlight your terrace receives.
  3. Maintenance: Consider how much time and effort you can dedicate to maintaining your garden. Some plants require more care than others.
  4. Purpose: If you’re interested in growing your own food, consider planting vegetables and herbs. If you’re more interested in aesthetics, consider flowering plants or ornamentals.

The key to a successful terrace garden is planning and preparation. Happy gardening! 🌱


Step-by-Step Guide to Planting Seeds and Saplings

Here’s a simple guide to help you plant seeds and saplings:

  1. Select Your Seeds, Soil, and Containers: Choose the seeds you want to plant and get containers or seed trays for planting. You’ll also need a soil mix that’s suitable for seedlings.
  2. Prepare Your Containers and Soil: Rinse out your containers to remove any dust and moisten your soil. The soil should be damp but not wet. Fill your container up to half an inch from the top with your soil mixture.
  3. Plant Your Seeds: Make small indents in the centre of the container and place your seeds in them. The depth at which you plant your seeds will depend on the type of seed, so be sure to check the seed packet for specific instructions.
  4. Water Your Seeds: Water your seeds until the top layer of the seed starter is damp. Then, place your container in a sunny area.
  5. Wait for Germination: Wait for the seeds to sprout and develop into saplings. This can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks, depending on the type of seed.
  6. Transfer the Saplings: Once the saplings have developed, you can transfer them into nutrient-rich soil. Continue to provide water and care for them as they grow.

Tips for Arranging Plants in Your Garden

Arranging plants in your garden can be a creative and enjoyable process. Here are some tips to help you get started:

  1. Plan Your Layout: Draw a rough draft of your terrace garden, including the placement of containers and walking space. It should have a balanced mix of vining shrubs, small trees, seasonal flowers, and vegetables.
  2. Choose the Right Containers: Opt for terracotta or ceramic planters for better aeration. You can also use domestic supplies like coconut shells, coke bottles, kitchen utensils, plastic boxes as pots.
  3. Consider Sunlight Requirements: Make sure your terrace receives 4-6 hours of light, as most of the plants respond well to it. Rotate your plants periodically for even sun exposure.
  4. Select Plants Wisely: Choose plants that are fond of direct sunlight like chilli, marigold, tomato, and capsicum. Avoid plants that can’t tolerate full sun unless your terrace has some shady spot.
  5. Arrange by Height: When arranging plants, it’s best to put tall plants in the back and short plants in the front. This helps ensure that all plants get enough sunlight and are visible.
  6. Give Each Plant Enough Room: Be sure to give each plant enough room to grow comfortably. Overcrowding can lead to competition for resources and may hinder growth.

Remember, the key to a successful terrace garden is planning and preparation. Happy gardening! 🌱

Caring for Your Garden

Watering Your Plants

Watering your plants is crucial for their growth. Here are some tips on how and when to water your plants in a terrace garden:

  1. Frequency: In summers, your garden requires watering twice a day. In winters, you can just press the soil with the back of your hand to check the moisture and water accordingly.
  2. During Rains: It’s advised not to water the garden in rains and even one day after the rain as excess water drains all the nutrition away from the soil.
  3. Soil Moisture: Soak the soil completely while watering it. Normally, the plant must be watered only once a week. During the rainy season, the water of the rainfall is enough for the plants.

Fertilizing Your Plants

Fertilizers provide plants with the nutrients they need to grow healthy. Here are some types of fertilizers and their usage:

  1. Compost: Plant residues are broken down into nutrients by compost, which contains living organisms such as bacteria and fungi.
  2. Animal Manure: Using animal manure as a soil amendment can help return nutrients to the soil and juice it up to become a more effective growing medium for crops in the next season.
  3. Bone Meal and Blood Meal: These are organic fertilizers that provide essential nutrients like phosphorus and nitrogen.
  4. Worm Castings: Worm castings are a type of vermicompost, and they are rich in nutrients.
  5. Fish Emulsion and Seaweed Fertilizer: These are organic fertilizers that are rich in nutrients and beneficial for plant growth.
  6. Slow-Release Granular Fertilizers: These fertilizers deliver nutrients over a longer period of time.
  7. Water-Soluble Fertilizers: These fertilizers are faster acting, delivering a boost of nutrients when plants need a quick pick-me-up.

Pest Control

Pests can cause significant damage to your garden. Here are some common pests and how to deal with them:

  1. Snails and Slugs: These creatures love to munch on young seedlings and leaves. You can handpick them or use beer traps to control them.
  2. Aphids: These tiny insects suck the sap from the leaves of plants, causing them to wilt and turn yellow. You can wash plants with a strong water spray and encourage native predators such as aphid midges, lacewings, and lady beetles.
  3. Mealybugs: These small, white insects feed on the sap of plants, causing yellowing and stunted growth. You can use insecticidal soap or horticultural oil to control them.
  4. Scales: These small, armoured insects feed on the sap of plants, causing yellowing and stunted growth. You can prune infested parts, encourage native predators, and use dormant or summer oil sprays.
  5. Whiteflies: These tiny white insects feed on the sap of leaves, causing yellowing and stunted growth. You can use yellow sticky cards, insecticidal soap, or horticultural oil to control them.
  6. Thrips: These tiny, slender insects feed on the sap of leaves, causing silvery streaks and distorted growth. You can use insecticidal soap or horticultural oil to control them.

Harvesting and Replanting

When and how to harvest your plants

The right time to harvest your plants can vary depending on the type of plant. Here are some general guidelines:

  1. Green Beans: Harvest when the beans are plump, but before the seeds enlarge.
  2. Lettuce: For a continual harvest, pick the outer leaves when they reach usable size.
  3. Onions: Dig onions once the tops fall over and begin to yellow.
  4. Peppers: Begin harvesting green bell peppers when they reach softball size.
  5. Coriander: When the stems of coriander reach a length of 6 inches, they can be harvested. You need to remove up to 2/3rds of the leaves every one week so that the plant would be encouraged to grow.   

Tips for replanting

Replanting involves moving a plant from one place to another. Here are some tips for replanting in your terrace garden:

  1. Plan Your Layout: Draw a rough draft on the paper of your terrace garden including sitting arrangement, placement of containers, and walking space.
  2. Containers Gardening is Best for Starters: It’s better to go for containers, instead of beds, as container gardening is easy to manage.
  3. The Right Mix of Light and Shade: Make sure your terrace receives 4-6 hours of light, as most of the plants respond well to it. But, during scorching summers, relieve your plant from excess heat by establishing some shade.
  4. Pick the Right Soil: Purchase a quality potting mix for the plants that drain well and allow aeration.
  5. Select Plants Wisely: Go for fibre-rooted plants instead of tap-rooted ones, because they can penetrate into the ceilings. Pick seasonal blooms and vegetables, as they offer a wonderful view along with fresh harvest within months.


Starting your own terrace garden can seem like a daunting task, especially if you’re a beginner. But remember, every gardener was once a beginner too. Don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty and make mistakes. Gardening is a journey of learning and discovery.

Here’s a little encouragement for you:

“The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just the body, but the soul.” – Alfred Austin

The benefits of terrace gardening are numerous. Not only does it provide you with fresh, organic produce right at your doorstep, but it also contributes to a healthier environment by reducing air pollution and increasing green spaces. Plus, the joy of watching your plants grow from tiny seeds to flourishing plants is truly unmatched.

So, go ahead and take that first step. Start small, perhaps with a few pots of herbs or vegetables. As you gain confidence, you can expand your garden and experiment with different types of plants. Remember, the key to a successful garden is patience and persistence. Happy gardening! 🌱

References and Further Readings

  1. “How to Make a Terrace or Rooftop Garden”: This is a comprehensive guide to setting up and maintaining a terrace garden in India. It covers everything from the basics of terrace gardening to advanced techniques and tips.
  2. “3 Steps to Make a Perfect Balcony Garden”: This guide is all about balcony gardens. 
  3. “How to set up a best kitchen garden”: This is a comprehensive guide to setting up and maintaining a terrace garden in India. It covers everything from the basics of terrace gardening to advanced techniques and tips. 

The information gathered in this article from following sources – 

  1. All That Grows
  2. WikiHow

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