Best Use Organic Fertilizers and It’s 3 Benifits for Gardening

Organic fertilizers are derived from plant, animal or mineral resources and are used to improve the health and productivity of soil and plants. They are a major component of organic gardening and farming.

The importance of organic fertilizers in gardening lies in their many benefits:

1. Supply of Nutrients: Organic fertilizers provide essential nutrients to plants, including nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium as well as many micronutrients.

2. Soil Composition: They improve soil structure by increasing its ability to hold water and nutrients, making those nutrients more available to plants.

3. Microbial Activity: Organic fertilizers increase microbial life in the soil, which aids in nutrient cycling and improves plant health.

4. Environment Friendly: Unlike synthetic fertilizers, organic fertilizers are generally made from naturally occurring materials. And are biodegradable, making them eco-friendly.

5. Durable: Organic fertilizers can be obtained locally and made from waste products (such as manure), making them a sustainable option for soil management.

Remember, your choice of fertilizer can have a significant impact on the health of your garden and the environment. So consider organic fertilizers for your gardening needs!

Organic Fertilizer:

1. Organic or natural fertilizer is a substance that acts as nutrients for growing plants and the physical structure of the soil. These are made from natural plants, animal materials and rock minerals.

2. Organic fertilizers improve the structure of the soil, allowing the soil to absorb water for a longer time. They can enrich soil texture and increase fungal and bacterial activity in the soil.

3. Organic fertilizers include manure, plant debris, sea grass and other organic matter. They do not spoil the environment and do not produce any harmful gasses like chemical fertilizers.

4. Organic fertilizers contain carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other microbe-enhancing chemicals. These chemicals nourish the microbes and enable them to naturally produce nutrients for plant biological processes.


1. 55% of homes in America have a garden

2. The most common demographics among American gardeners are middle-aged, male, white, and educated.

3. 29% of gardeners are from the Millennial generation.

4. The COVID pandemic created 18.3 million new gardeners, the majority of whom are millennials.

5. 42% gardeners spent more time gardening during the Covid pandemic.

6. Global online sales of gardening goods doubled during the COVID-19 pandemic.

 The blog post will discuss different types of organic fertilizers and their benefits for gardening.

Understanding Organic Fertilizers

Definition of organic fertilizers

Organic fertilizer is a substance derived from organic matter, including once-living things such as vegetables, animal matter, and manure. Most popular organic fertilizers are made from natural ingredients such as manure, animal byproducts, organic fertilizers, plant-based compounds, and bone meal. These fertilizers contain natural ingredients that break down and slowly release nutrients into the soil.

The importance of organic fertilizers is very high in organic gardening. Here are some key points:

1. Improving soil quality: Organic fertilizers improve overall soil structure and improve soil condition. They increase the availability of organic matter, which improves water retention, reduces soil erosion and stimulates plant growth.

2. Promotes Microbial Activity:Organic fertilizers promote microbial activity in the soil. They add beneficial microbes (soil microorganisms) and bacteria to the soil, which help break down organic matter into plant nutrients.

3. Provides essential nutrients: Organic fertilizers provide essential nutrients for healthy plants2. They provide nitrogen for strong, green growth and abundant foliage; phosphorus to strengthen roots and promote flowering; Potassium to maintain resistance against disease or insect attacks; And sulfur for green leaves.

4. Environment Friendly: Organic fertilizers are much better for your health and the environment than chemically produced fertilizers. They do not contain any poisons or hazardous materials, so you can be around them without fear of breathing or coming in contact with any harmful substances.

5. Cost-Effective: Organic fertilizers are often less expensive than synthetic fertilizers. You can also make your own compost pile by throwing away kitchen waste like vegetable peels and apple peels that will break down into rich soil for your garden or lawn.

In conclusion, the use of organic fertilizers in organic gardening not only enhances the health and productivity of your plants but also contributes positively to the environment.

How is organic fertilizer made?

Organic fertilizers are naturally produced and made up of a variety of ingredients that can be added to soil or plants to provide nutrients and maintain growth1. Here’s a general process of how these are made:

1. Raw Material: The main organic fertilizers are peat, animal waste, plant waste from agriculture and treated sewage sludge. In rural areas, there are many resources that can be used to make organic fertilizers, such as miscellaneous fertilizers, grass, fallen leaves, garbage, livestock and poultry manure.

2. Making Compost:The production of organic fertilizer is mainly divided into two stages:

  1. make compost
  2. granulation

Composting is a natural biological process that converts organic matter into a stable, humus-like product under controlled conditions. The process of composting involves decomposition into simpler compounds primarily by microorganisms including bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes.

After composting, the organic material is granulated to make it easier to incorporate into the soil.

3, Uses of Compost: Compost is generally used as a base fertilizer, mixed with tillage, and completely incorporated into the soil. Compost is suitable for all types of soils and crops. Generally, semi-decomposed manure can be used in sandy soils, and fully decomposed manure should be used in heavy soils.

4, Benefit: The use of manure can increase soil fertility and replenish a large number of microbial flora in the soil, thereby providing long-lasting and stable nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur and other organic fertilizers to crops. Are.

In conclusion, organic fertilizers are made from natural sources and undergo a process of composting and granulation before being used in the soil. They play an important role in enriching the soil with essential nutrients and promoting healthy plant growth.

Types of Organic Fertilizers

Animal-based fertilizers (e.g., manure, bone meal)

Animal-based fertilizers are a type of organic fertilizers derived from animal matter, including manure, bone meal, blood meal, and other animal by-products. Here’s some more information about each:

1. Manure: Manure from cows, chickens or various other animals is a common animal-based fertilizer. It is rich in nitrogen and can be used directly or composted before adding to the soil.

2. Bone Meal: Bone meal is made from crushed animal bones and is a great source of phosphorus, which is essential for root development and to help plants thrive.

3. Blood Meal: Blood meal is dried and powder is made from blood collected from animal slaughterhouses. It is a rich source of nitrogen, so it is perfect for the growth of green leaves.

4. Fish Emulsion: Fish emulsion is a quick-acting organic liquid fertilizer made from byproducts of the fish industry. It contains high amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus.

5. Feather Food: Feather meal is made from chicken feathers and is used as a soil amendment or added to compost piles. It has a high amount of nitrogen.

These animal-based fertilizers are beneficial for plant growth as they provide essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. However, they should be used with caution as they can be high in salts and can potentially burn plant roots if not properly composted or mixed with other organic materials.

Plant-based fertilizers (e.g., manure, green manure)

Plant-based fertilizers are derived from plant residues and agricultural by-products. They break down relatively quickly and provide a wide range of nutrients to your lawn and garden, aiding plant growth and soil regeneration1. Here are some examples:

1. Compost: Compost is organic matter that has been decomposed and recycled as a fertilizer and soil amendment. It is a key ingredient in organic farming and can be rich in nutrients.

2. Green Manure: Green manure is made by leaving parts of uprooted or sown crops to dry in the field so that they serve as mulch and soil amendments. Plants used for green manure often cover crops grown primarily for this purpose.

3. Cottonseed cake: Cottonseed cake is a by-product of cotton production. It is an excellent fertilizer with high nitrogen content.

4. Jaggery: Jaggery is a sticky product obtained by refining sugarcane or beetroot into sugar. It is used in organic gardening as it is a good source of carbon, iron, sulfur, potash, calcium, manganese, potassium, copper and magnesium.

5. Legume Cover Crops: Legume cover crops such as clover and vetch are often grown to add nitrogen to the soil.

6. Kelp Seaweed: Kelp seaweed is a type of seaweed that is often used as an organic fertilizer due to its high mineral content.

7. Compost Tea:Compost tea is a liquid solution or suspension made by soaking compost in water. It is used as a fertilizer and to suppress plant diseases.

These plant-based fertilizers are beneficial for plant growth as they provide essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

Mineral based fertilizers (eg, lime, gypsum)

• Lime and gypsum are both mineral-based fertilizers that can add calcium to your soil.

• Lime, also known as agricultural limestone, neutralizes soil acidity and makes calcium and magnesium available for plants to take up. It can balance the pH level.

• Gypsum is a calcium sulfate containing product which provides both calcium and sulfate to the soil system. It can also remove sodium and add sulfur to the soil. However, it cannot balance pH levels like lime can. Gypsum is rich in phosphorus, which is needed by all plants.

• It is important to understand your soil before deciding which soil is best for its health. For example, gypsum is somewhat acidic and can make your soil too acidic for some plants. This can be reduced by the use of lime, which should be applied mixed with gypsum.

Benefits of organic fertilizers for gardening

Improve soil structure and fertility

Improving soil structure and fertility is important for healthy plant growth and increased crop yields. Here are some ways to increase soil fertility:

1. Add Organic Matter: Incorporating different types of organic matter can significantly improve soil fertility1. This involves adding manure or dung, which provides nitrogen, an essential component of productive soil.

2. Increase Microbial Activity: Healthy soil is rich in beneficial microorganisms that help break down organic matter and release nutrients into the soil.

3. Manage Weeds: Weeds can compete with your plants for nutrients, so managing them effectively can help improve soil fertility.

4. Use Cover Crops: Cover crops add organic matter to the soil, improving soil structure and promoting healthy, fertile soils.

5. Green manures and beans: Growing beans helps fix nitrogen from the air through the process of biological nitrogen fixation.

6. Micro-Dose Fertilizer Application: This method compensates for losses through plant uptake and other processes, and reduces losses through leaching below the crop root zone by improved water and nutrient application.

7. Test the soil: Soil testing is the best way to determine the fertility of your garden soil and to determine if any amendments are needed.

Remember, it is important to use these methods according to the nutrient composition of the soil, which can be evaluated by soil testing.

Promote healthy plant growth

Promoting healthy plant growth involves a combination of the right environmental conditions, proper water and food, and a few extra tricks to help the plants thrive. here are some tips:

1. Know your plants: It is important to understand the specific needs of your plants. This involves knowing the ideal climate, temperature and soil conditions for each plant.

2. Use the Right Container: Make sure the pot or container you use is large enough. Plants need space to grow, and overcrowded root systems can hinder their growth.

3. Provide Adequate Sunlight: Plants generally require full sunlight, partial sunlight or partial shade. Make sure your plants are getting the right amount of light they need.

4. Use Secret Ingredients: Some household items can be used to enhance plant growth. For example, wood ash can neutralize acidic soil, aspirin can boost plant immune systems and prevent fungal diseases, and leftover fruits and vegetables can provide many nutrients.

5. Water, air, light, soil nutrients and temperature: These are the most basic factors for plant growth. Ensuring that these conditions are optimal will promote faster and stronger growth.

Remember to check on your plants frequently and adjust their care as needed. With these tips, you will be able to promote healthy growth in your plants.

environmental benefits

Organic gardening and the use of organic fertilizers have many environmental benefits:

1. Reduces chemical runoff: Organic gardening reduces the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers, thereby reducing the chemical load in our environment1. This means that plants, animals and humans are not exposed to potentially toxic chemicals.

2. Improvement in soil quality: Organic fertilizers add organic matter to the soil, improving its texture and building its long-term nutrient capacity. They also increase the water-holding capacity and cation exchange capacity of the soil.

3. Promotes Microbial Activity: Organic fertilizers stimulate microbial activity, which improves soil structure and contributes to overall soil health.

4. Less fertilization required: Organic fertilizers are less soluble, meaning they release nutrients slowly over time, reducing the need for frequent fertilization.

5. Less Environmental Impact: The use of organic fertilizers results in less loss of nutrients to the environment and less salt damage to plants.

6. Reduces Waste: Organic gardening promotes composting, turning food scraps into nutrient-rich soil1. This reduces waste that would otherwise go to landfill.

7. Fights diseases and pests naturally: Organic fertilizers can help fight diseases and pests naturally.

8. Promotes Plant Diversity:Organic gardening creates rich garden spaces built on a foundation of soil health and plant diversity.

By choosing organic gardening practices and organic fertilizers, you are not only creating a beautiful, thriving garden but also contributing to a healthy environment.


Organic fertilizers are derived from plant, animal or mineral sources and occur naturally in nature. Here are some common types and their uses:

1. Plant-Based Fertilizer: These include compost, alfalfa meal, cottonseed meal, molasses, legume cover crops, green manure cover crops, kelp seaweed and compost tea. They break down quickly and are great for conditioning the soil.

2. Animal-Based Fertilizer: These include manure, bone meal, blood meal, fish emulsion, milk, urea (urine), and manure tea. They add a lot of nitrogen to the soil and are great for strong growth in leafy plants and the early weeks of gardening.

3. Mineral Based Fertilizer: These include lime, gypsum, calcium, Epsom salt (magnesium and sulfur). They can add nutrients to the soil and adjust pH levels as needed for healthy plant growth.

Remember that organic fertilizers release nutrients slowly over time and nourish the soil. It’s always a good idea to test the pH level and acidity of the soil in your garden before you start applying fertilizer.

• If you are a gardener and want to make a positive impact on the environment and improve the health of your plants, I highly encourage you to consider using organic fertilizers.

• Organic fertilizers, derived from plant, animal or mineral sources, are a great way to enrich your soil with the nutrients your plants need, while also promoting more sustainable and eco-friendly gardening practices . They slowly release nutrients, improving your soil’s structure and fertility and increasing microbial activity.

• Whether it is plant-based fertilizers such as manure and green manure, animal-based fertilizers such as manure and bone meal, or mineral-based fertilizers such as lime and gypsum, there is an organic fertilizer to suit the needs of every garden.

• Remember, healthy soil equals healthy plants. So why not try organic fertilizers? Your garden will thank you for it!

Happy Gardening, Be Gardenholic

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