How to setup a best kitchen garden

In today’s time, every vegetable and fruits are available in the market in every season, but a lot of pesticides are used in these glowing vegetables.

Due to which it is very attractive in appearance, but it is equally harmful for your family. And if we talk about Organic Vegetables, then you would not want to buy them just by seeing their skyrocketing rates in the market.

While growing vegetables organically is very easy and pocket friendly. If you are at all fond of gardening or want to grow organic vegetables for your family, then definitely start.

Making kitchen gardening is very easy. With just a little care and understanding, you can grow so many organic vegetables in your family even in less space.

  • Selection of place for kitchen garden

You do not even need much space for kitchen garden if you have a terrace or a balcony if there is no terrace or balcony in your house then any window of the house where there is sunlight can also make its own small kitchen garden.

Just keep in mind that whatever place you are choosing, it should get a good amount of sunlight. Because 99% of the vegetables are require full sunlight.

So, let’s start.

  • Selection of vegetable plants for kitchen garden

After choosing the right location, it comes to the selection of vegetables or plants.

In the beginning, you have to choose such plants or vegetables which grow easily, and which serve well even in less care.

Because due to lack of information many times we harm the plants due to taking too much care of them. As you become experienced, you will increase your garden, but start with easy-to-grow plants so that you will not be disappointed. May your confidence be maintained.

  • Selection of grow bags or pots

It is important to use the right type and size of pots or grow bags for the proper growth of plants.

Earthen pots are considered the best because they allow air to circulate properly and retain moisture in the soil for a long time, due to which the plants are not harmed during the summer season.

But there is a problem of quick breakage with earthen pots, so you can use plastic pots as well.

Pay attention that the quality of plastic should be good and take care of them in the summer season.

You can also use old paint buckets, tubs etc. kept in the house as pots. You just have to make drainage holes in them.

If we talk about Terrace Garden, then grow bags are a very good option. They are light in weight and strong and will last for many years if you choose a good quality grow bag.

It is good to choose HDPE Grow bags. You will also get these easily in your local market or on Amazon, Flipkart at low prices.

Now if we talk about the size of grow bags, then take 12-12 inch grow bags for small plants.

If you are planting leafy vegetables (such as spinach, fenugreek, bathua, mint, coriander etc.) then take 24-9 inch grow bags.

If you are planting some big plants like vine vegetables (e.g. – Gilki, Turai, Gourd, Cucumber etc.) then take 18-18 inch grow bags.

For planting large plants or fruit plants, take 24-24 inch grow bags.

How To Make Potting Soil for Kitchen Garden

The soil of pots or you can say the food of plants.

If the plant is planted directly in the ground, it normally gets its food directly from the ground, but this does not happen in pots.

That’s why we need to pay special attention while preparing the potting soil.

So that we give the right amount of nutrients, loose and disease-free soil to the plant.

While preparing soil for pots, try to get soil from a farm, but if this is not possible in big cities, then take soil from a good nursery. After this, take rotten cow dung manure or vermicompost.

You will find vermicompost easily in your local area as well, if you want, you can order it online like Amazon etc. If you buy it from the local area, you will get good quality Vermicompost at a low price.

Now you will need some amount of sand and some dry neem leaves.

First, make the soil loose with the help of a shovel or stick, now take 50% soil, 40% rotted manure or vermicompost, 10% sand and some quantity of dried neem leaves and mix them well.

Here we are using neem leaves to make the soil disease free.

In this way, nutrient rich soil is ready for your pots.

You can also use this soil in your terrace or rooftop garden.

Choosing Seeds for Kitchen Garden

After deciding which vegetables, you are going to plant, comes the selection of seeds.

Always take the seed of good quality, if your seed is good then your Seed Germination Rate will be better.

Always take seeds after seeing Expiry Date.

You will get two varieties in seeds, one indigenous seed and one hybrid seed.

You can choose anyone as per your wish.

Organic Manure for Kitchen Garden

Manure is an important point. The plants you are planting must be given the right amount of nutrition from time to time.

When you are making a kitchen garden, you should give only organic fertilizers to your plants. With this, you will be able to give chemical-free vegetables to your family, which are many times more delicious in taste.

In organic manure, you can also use Vermicompost, fully rotten manure of cow dung, kitchen waste, neem cake, home-made liquid fertilizer, peels of fruits and vegetables and eggshells etc.

For good growth, you must give fertilizer to your plant every 15 days.

To give fertilizer, first do some weeding of the soil of the pot. Then add fertilizer according to the plant, mix the fertilizer with the soil and pour water.

Fertilize the plants either in the morning or in the evening, never fertilize or water the plants in the midday sun.

How important is sunlight for the growth of kitchen garden plants?

Sunlight is necessary for every plant. Some plants require more sunlight and some less.

Except indoor plants, let the rest of the plants get sunlight for 4-5 hours.

You have to save the plants from the hot summer sun, in this your plants can get scorched, for this you can use green net.

When, how much and how to water kitchen garden plants?

It is necessary to give the plant in the pot the right amount of water. If you give less water then the plant will dry up and if you give more water then there will be a problem of rotting in its roots, due to which your plant may even die.

To avoid this problem, put your hand in the soil of the pot and see if the top layer is dry, then add water and if there is moisture in the light soil, do not add water at all.

In normal days give water except one day and in summer season you have to give water every day.

Give your plants a shower once a week, you will notice the improvement in their complexion.

Give water to plants only from Water Can. If you are giving through pipe, then pay attention that the water pressure should not be high.

Protection of Kitchen Garden Plants from Pests

When you start any work, then some problem comes. Similarly, when you start gardening, there can be an outbreak of insects.

Don’t be afraid of this, don’t use any kind of chemical insecticide. Adopt natural organic insecticide.

Spray neem oil on your plants every week, when you increase the immunity of your plant from the beginning, the outbreak of insects will be less.

Even then, if any type of mealybugs or insect infestation is seen, then take some drops of hand wash or dish wash, mix neem oil in it, and mix it well and spray it on the plants or say, give the plant a bath.

You can also use Pesticides by making sour lassi or hot green chillies.

Notes –

  • Keep checking your plants from time to time whether any kind of kit has arrived.
  • Kept checking the water holes of pots or grow bags.
  • Give fertilizer at the time of Flowering and Fruiting, currently the plant needs more nutrition.
  • For good pollination, make sure to plant aromatic flowering plants in between the vegetables.

In this way your dream of Kitchen Garden will come true with less effort.

Apart from this, if you want to ask any other question, then do comment.

Enjoy Gardening 😀 😀 😀 😀

Live better, Plant better. 😀 😀

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