3 Steps to Make a Perfect Balcony Garden

If you wish to make a well-fitted and perfect balcony garden, you first have to make a blueprint on a piece of paper. You have to ask yourself what it is you need and how would you like to make it. The type of plants that you want to grow in your balcony garden. What is the size of your balcony and what is its kind i.e. sunny or shady?

You have to draw the measurement of your balcony i.e. width, breadth and height, on a piece of paper. This drawing will help you to arrange the items like furniture, planters and boxes according to the space available on your balcony garden. 

How to select the best plants for your balcony garden

I think you will surely love having a healthy and modern garden on your balcony. If yes then you must check the following factors –

  1. Space – whether you have a spacious or smaller balcony, in a spacious balcony garden taller plants/trees can take place otherwise smaller balconies have space for hanging plants or verticle gardening.
  2. Sunlight – The most important factor is the amount of sunlight which is received by your balcony. You should select the plants according to the sunlight which is coming to the balcony. Does your balcony face the northern, southern, eastern or western side? You have to observe the different times of the day to evaluate if it’s fully sunny (more than 6 hours), partially sunny (between 3 – 6 hours) or fully shaded (less than 3 hours). After determining the type of balcony you have, it’s time to select the plants that are matching to your balcony’s lighting conditions.
  3. Costing on decorating the balcony – many house owners give priority to furnishing their interiors and neglect the balconies. They think this is a waste of money. Although you can make a small forest on your balcony with keep it minimalist with succulents without expensing too much or with ferns and vines. Also, you can plant some herbs and kitchen supplies at home that will benefit you.
  4. Maintenance – The plants you have grown up on your balcony, many of them, need more protection because they succumb to high winds. Many plants not receiving sunlight as per their requirement. So it’s up to you that you have to water from time to time and move them in the right direction. You have to do is just reserve your weekend to check they are doing well. You don’t need to speed too much money or time.

After going through the above mentioned factors it’s time to find out the plants which have perfectly fit your balcony.

Best plants that will decorate your balcony garden

I will provide you with a list of some plants that will decorate your balcony

Type of plants >>Hanging plantsFloor plantsVertical garden plantsOrnamental plantsHerbal/kitchen garden plants
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The best way to plant plants in pots

Nowadays, whether it is in the home garden or indoors, almost everyone uses pots to plant plants. Planting plants in pots is many times more beneficial than planting plants in the garden. You can shift the potted plant to any place according to its requirement, control the fertilizer and soil requirements of the particular plant, and through plantation in the pot, take advantage of planting more plants in less space. Can You will get all these benefits only when you plant the plant in the pot in the right way.

Select a pot according to the plant

People often choose the plant of their choice while planting plants in a pot, but they ignore the size of the pot for pot plantation. Planting the plant in the wrong size pot, many times, either the plant does not to grow well, or after growing well in the beginning, the growth of the plant suddenly stops. Many times due to small pot size, due to lack or excess of fertilizers and water, the plant dies even after growing. That’s why to choose the right size pot or grow bag according to the variety of your plant.

Prepare the potting soil

After choosing the perfect pot size or a certain size pot, it is very important to have good growing media for successfully planting plants in the pot. Most plants prefer to grow in well-drained, well-drained, organic soil. The best growing media for planting plants in pots is potting mix. If you are using garden soil for potted plants, mix 20% sand, 10% cocopeat and 10% mustard oil cake in 60% garden soil to make the soil fertile and well drained. Yes, you can increase the quality of the soil by adding vermicompost, and cow dung manure as manure.

Fill the potting soil in pots

Now fill the prepared soil in the pot to plant the plant. While filling the soil in the pot, the pot should be kept 2-3 inches empty from the top, so that the soil does not flow out of the pot while watering the plant. For better growth of the plant, the pot is kept empty from above for giving sufficient amount of water, top dressing fertilizer and also for mulching in adverse weather.

Plant the plants in pots properly

For pot plantation, seeds or small plants are planted in pots so that they can grow well. Seed germination or plant growth during potting depends on the depth of planting the seed or plant in the soil. After filling the soil in a suitable size pot or grow bag, let us now know about the method of planting plants in pots.

Follow the steps below to plant seeds in pots for successful pot planting –

  1. Plant the seeds balancing the soil temperature with the germination temperature of the seed.
  2. Plant the seeds in the soil at a depth of twice its size and at a distance of about 3 to 5 inches, and cover the seeds well with the soil.
  3. After planting the seeds in the soil, give water in the form of a fountain with the help of a watering spray pump, so that the soil remains moist.
  4. The planted seeds will germinate within 7-28 days according to the variety.
  5. Take care to transplant the plants which are grown by transplanting after germination.
  6. On taking proper care of potted plants, the plant will grow fast and will give fruits and flowers on time according to its variety.

Method of planting plants in pots

For better growth of plants, follow the following tips for planting prepared seedlings or plants purchased from the nursery in pots or grow bags:

  1. Make a planting hole in the chosen pot or grow bag by filling it with soil. The planting hole should be deep enough to cover the roots of the transplanted plant completely.
  2. Without damaging the roots of the plant, place it in the planting hole made in the pot and cover the roots completely with the soil.
  3. Now press the soil around the plant lightly, so that the roots are well established in the soil.
  4. Now water the soil of the pot with a light stream with the help of a watering can, so that the soil of the pot becomes moist.
  5. In this way, with regular care of the potted plant, the plant will grow rapidly.

Proper care and maintenance of plants

After pot plantation, it is most important for the healthy growth of potted plants, to take care of the plants regularly. Potted plants need to be watered regularly and sometimes they need to be watered twice a day during summer. Make sure to give enough sunlight and temperature to potted plants according to their variety, And for the healthy growth of potted plants, manure and fertilizers should be given from time to time as per their requirement. Along with this, pruning plants and protecting them from pests and diseases should be done.

Colourful flowers for a pleasant view from inside the room

If you are facing difficulty picking the flowers that you want on your balcony? You must have visited the local nursery, they offer hundreds of flower plants but all of them are not suitable for your balcony. Here are some of the most beautiful flowers for balcony gardens that you will surely love –

  1. Begonias
  2. Chrysanthemums
  3. Dianthus
  4. Fuchsia
  5. Geraniums
  6. Hydrangeas
  7. Impatiens
  8. Lobelia
  9. Marigolds
  10. Mandevilla
  11. Morning Glories
  12. Pansies


After going through all the steps mentioned above you will very well know how you can make a perfect balcony garden for your house.

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Read this also – Best Guide to Organic Fertilizers for Garden

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