Gardening in the Rainy Season, You Must Follow These 14 Essential Tips

Are you thinking of starting gardening in the rainy season or want to take good care of the trees and plants in the garden in the rain but do not know how to do gardening in the rainy season or how to take care of the plants If yes then this article is for you only. 

tips for gardening in the rainy season

During the rainy season, there is a high possibility of damage to plants due to pests and diseases and excess water, so plants need special care at this time. 

In this article, you will know the tips for gardening in the rainy or monsoon season and how to take care of the trees and plants in the garden.

Top 14 Tips for Monsoon Gardening

Monsoon clouds have started covering the sky and the scorching heat is slowly subsiding. 
The rainy season is going to start soon, in this season, if you want good growth of garden plants and want to get maximum yield from them, then you must know about some special tips for gardening in this season.
 Let us know the top 14 tips for gardening in the rainy season:
  1. Soil preparation
  2. Planting Plants in Grow Bags
  3. Pot or grow bag drainage system
  4. Attention to watering
  5. Use of fertilizers
  6. Pruning and Deadheading
  7. Shifting indoor plants outside
  8. Lossen the soil
  9. Creating a shed in the garden or using a rain cover
  10. Insect repellent
  11. Rainwater Harvesting for Plants
  12. Support plants in the rain
  13. Planting the right plants
  14. Protects the roots

The best soil for planting plants in the rain

If you are thinking of planting trees in the monsoon season, then you must want to know how to prepare good quality soil for planting trees. 

To plant plants during the rainy season, you should prepare soil, in which the problem of water logging does not arise during the rains. 

In the rainy season garden soil Preparation tips are as follows:

  • The soil for gardening should be prepared before the first rain of the season.
  • The ideal mixture for preparing the soil would be:- 40% normal garden soil, 30% compost (cow dung Manure become vermicompost), 20% cocopeat, 10% sand, perlite or vermiculite.
  • Loosen the soil near the plant planted in the home garden, that is, hoe the soil.
  • Cover the roots of plants with organic mulch to prevent soil erosion during heavy rains. You can use dry leaves, grass or other dry kitchen waste for this.

Use of grow bags for gardening in the rainy season

If you want to know what plants to plant in a terrace garden during the rainy season, then you grow bags Or plants can be planted in pots. You can use grow bags for terrace gardens as well as for outdoor gardening. Let us know some of the main points related to using grow bags:

  • plants in the rain overwatering To avoid this, it is best to plant plants in grow bags, as they do not retain much water. They protect the plant from root rot disease.
  • Prepare well-draining soil for the grow bags. Add cocopeat etc. to the good drainage soil, so that the water does not get accumulated in the grow bag and the effect of air remains in the soil.
  • If you feel the number or size of holes in the grow bag needs to be increased, then so be it. So that even in heavy rains, water drainage can be done in them in a better way.

Take care of drainage holes in pots in the rainy season

If your plants in pots or grow bags are getting waterlogged during monsoon or rainy days, then make sure to check the drainage holes in those pots. 

The drainage hole in the grow bag may be completely clogged with hard soil. 

If so, remove the dirt using a screwdriver or kitchen knife and clean out the hole. 

If there is a need to increase the number or size of drainage holes in pots or grow bags, then increase them so that water can easily flow out of them and the situation of water logging in trees and plants does not arise in the rainy season.

Give water to the plants according to the need in the rainy season

Although there is no need to water the plants in the rainy season, still give water to the plants according to the need. 

Water the plants in rains only when the topsoil is completely dry and your plants start wilting. Water is necessary for every plant, yet its excess can cause disaster for plants. Watering should be done carefully, especially during monsoon or rainy season. 

It is a scientifically proven fact that garden plants die more often due to excess water than due to lack of water. That’s why regularly check waterlogging in pots and gardens.

The right time to fertilize plants in the rain

If you want fast growth of plants in the rainy season or want more yield, then you can put slow-release organic fertilizer in plants 15-20 days before the start of the rainy season.

Slow-release fertilizers provide essential nutrients to plants throughout the rainy season. To give fertilizer during the rainy season foliar spray This is the best time as plants absorb nutrients faster through the leaves and soft stems.

Pruning of Plants in the Rainy Season

Regular pruning and deadheading are very important for any plant if you want your plants to grow quickly and well during the rainy season. 

Use a sharp knife or pruner for pruning. Before the rainy season, the extra branches of the plants in the garden should be pruned and all the dead and rotting leaves and branches should be cut. Pruning during monsoon can infect your plants. 

A single infestation spot can destroy your entire plant during a rainy day. If you prune branches during the rainy season, be sure to spray the plant with a fungicide or insecticide solution. 

Due to this, no infection will spread in the plants.

Move indoor plants outside in the rainy season

If you have indoor plants If planted, you can move them outside for a few days during the rainy season for better growth. Indoor plants love humidity. 

Keeping indoor plants outside during the rainy season increases their growth. But keep in mind that keep the plants in the shade only, so that they can get the moisture of the outside environment, but they do not get heavy showers of rain. 

Move those plants inside after a week or so.

Loosen the soil

During rains, the soil gets compacted. So, loosen up the dirt by digging it up and adding compost. It will help to retain moisture.

Preparing a Shed for Gardening in the Rainy Season

The use of a good quality shed is very important to protect the plants from heavy rains during the monsoon days, as the plants can be easily damaged by heavy rain drops. 

A transparent plastic sheet can be used to prepare the shade. The plastic will prevent the rainwater from falling directly on the plants, moreover, the sunlight can easily pass through these transparent sheets which are helpful in bioactivity for each plant. 

You can also use net shade to make shade for the plants, due to which the water does not fall directly on the plants, but it falls on the plants drop by drop so that the plants are not harmed. 

In the rainy season, Terrace Garden Making a polythene shed can also be effective.

Ways to protect plants from pests in rain

If the plants in the rainy season aphids are affected by pests like mildew and thrips and their growth is stunted, you can do this once a week on all the plants. 

Neem oil Can spray. Spray the plants by making a solution of 5 ml neem oil, 10 ml liquid soap and 1 litre of water. 

You can use any fungicide if you want something more effective and better than neem oil and soap. 

Use 2 grams of fungicide in 1 litre of water and spray the plants regularly. The best time to use insecticides on plants in the rainy season is early morning or evening.

Store rainwater for plants

Rainwater is very beneficial for the plants in the home garden. If you do terrace gardening, then you can store rainwater in drums etc. and use this water on the plants when the sun shines and the soil of the plants looks dry. Due to this the growth of plants will be good. If there is enough space in the nearby garden, you can collect rainwater by making pits.

Give support to tall plants in the rain

during strong monsoon winds, the plants of terrace gardens often break or fall. Plants need support to withstand the strong monsoon winds. 

A Creeper net can be used to support vine plants. And some plants can also be supported with the help of wood or rope. In this way, you can save the plants from falling due to strong winds in the rainy season.

Right Plants for Gardening in the Rainy Season

Not all plants grow well in the monsoon season. Some plants require warm weather to grow, while others require cool weather. 

Therefore, planting plants that grow well in monsoon allows you to take advantage of this season and do good gardening.

Protect the roots

When rain falls, it collects near the surface of the soil. Roots grow deep into the ground. When the soil becomes saturated, the roots cannot absorb oxygen. It causes the roots to die. To protect the roots, cover them with an upturned plastic container.

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All the essential tips for gardening easily during the rainy season have been explained in this article. 

If you find any of these helpful or have any questions about them, then do comment and tell. If you are fond of gardening and want to know more about gardening, then you Can visit the site GARDENHOLIC.

😃Happy Gardening😃

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